▶ 좌측 로고 클릭 시, 대학 홈페이지로 연결됩니다.
지역혁신을 선도하는 글로컬 대학, 세계를 품은 남해안권 거점 대학
우석 김종익 선생의 특지기부(特志寄附)로 1935년 설립된 국립순천대학교는 개교 90여 년의 역사를 자랑합니다.
국립순천대학교는 진리·창조의 교육이념 아래 지역과 함께 동반·성장하며 국가중심 국립대학의 역할에 충실하고 있고, 전남동부권 및 남해안권 지역혁신 거점 최고 인재양성의 산실로 자리매김하였습니다.
순천대학교는 7개 단과대학, 전체정원은 약 1만 명 규모의 전남동부권 유일의 국립대학교입니다. 국가정원 1호 생태도시, 대한민국 최고의 생태수도 일류도시 순천을 기반으로 여수시, 광양시, 고흥·보성·곡성·구례·장흥군 등을 아우르는 명실상부 전남 동부권 최고 대학의 위상을 가지고 있습니다.
순천대학교는 현재의 위치에 머무르지 않고, 지역균형발전의 지방시대를 위한 지역의 싱크탱크로서 혁신을 시작하겠습니다. 지역에 정주하는 교육과 지속가능한 미래가치의 창출을 통해서 지역과 함께 하겠습니다.
순천대학교의 발전이 곧 지역의 발전입니다.
우리 대학 구성원 모두가 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.
지역혁신을 위한 산학협력의 허브인 대학교!
경계를 허무는 유연한 학사운영의 대학교!
담대한 대도약을 위한 혁신의 대학교!
지역사회에 기여하는 대학교!
지역 발전과 혁신을 선도하는 글로컬 국립순천대학교의 새로운 도약을 위한 힘찬 발걸음에 큰 관심과 지속적인 성원을 부탁드립니다.
The educational objective of SCNU is to
teach/study academic theories and application methods, pursuing truth and
creativity, and to develop competent human resources contributing to
development of the nation and human society, by inheriting the educational
ideals of Kim, Jong-ik, who wanted to promote the nation’s independence by
providing equal opportunities of education to young people.
SCNU has set the following four goals so as to promote the educational ideals
and accomplish the objective explained above.
1. Effective use of resources and school
SCNU selects students who can achieve the
school’s education objectives and manages the number of students according to
the educational conditions including the faculty members, facilities, and
financial status. It has developed the curricular including various cultural
and major subjects, which can help the students to successfully respond to
globalization/informatization and can contribute to development of the nation,
as well as offering varied educational/academic experiences through close
cooperation with domestic/overseas schools.
2. Transparent and stable operation of
financial resources
SCNU uses and operates financial resources
with a view to improving quality of education and research in a fair and
transparent manner according to the school’s development plans. It raises funds
for the school’s development by means of active participation and support from
the members, alumni, parents, and public figures so that the students can
develop their abilities and potential based on the stable operation of
financial resources.
3. Advanced systems for supporting
education, research, and local businesses
SCNU endeavors to secure advanced
education/research facilities and equipment, meeting or even exceeding the
requirements set by applicable laws/regulations, in order to create a
future-oriented education/research environment. Moreover, the school provides
advanced systems for supporting and increasing competitiveness of businesses in
the community.
4. Assistance for autonomous and satisfying
SCNU strengthens student support systems
for students to develop their abilities to the full together with various
welfare policies and facilities. The school’s efforts to establish and operate
a number of scholarship programs help the students to concentrate on study
without experiencing financial difficulties. By increasing student facilities
such as a library, dormitory, and lounge and also by creating curricula jointly
with sister schools, SCNU has continued to improve learning convenience for the
students. In addition, the school provides counseling systems designed to
develop the students’ potential and capabilities, and actively supports
autonomous and democratic student activities.
5. Assistance for stable and active
education and research
SCNU secures competent faculty members who
can provide and conduct quality education/research and also operates reasonable
and objective HR systems in an effort to assist them in stable and active
education, research, and social volunteer work. Additionally, the school
continues to improve its welfare systems such as conveniences and sports
6. Contribution to the local community
SCNU diligently fulfills its responsibility
of improving the quality of life and contributing to the regional economy in
the community. To that end, it strengthens school-industry-government-research
cooperation, closely aligned with the community’s specialized/strategic
industries, improves global competitiveness of such industries, and develops
human resources equipped with practical expertise as well as ability to lead
globalization of the community, enterprises, and institutions.