대학(원)소개 (Korean University)
충북대학교 Chungbuk National University | |
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2023-05-25 조회 : 253,156 | |
▶ 좌측 로고 클릭 시, 대학 홈페이지로 연결됩니다. 충북대학교는 혁신성장을 위한 실용 학문과 미래 가치 창출의 원천인 기초 학문의 균형 발전을 이룸으로써 국립대학의 정체성을 지켜 나아가고자 합니다. 또한, 다양성과 융합을 지향하는 교육을 추구함으로써 4차 산업혁명 시대를 선도하는 창의적이고 전문성 있는 인재를 양성해 나갈 것입니다. “Great Challenge For Our Future!” 모두가 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 뒷받침하는 대학, 더 나은 미래가 시작되는 곳, 충북대학교에 오신 것을 환영합니다. ‘달라진 충북대, 강해진 충북대’ 지역과 함께 인류 미래 사회의 발전을 위해 혁신하는 글로컬 명문대학으로 거듭나겠습니다. Chungbuk National University, Founded in 1951 with the spirit of truth,
justice, and pioneering, has played a leading role in regional and national
development for over 70 years. Today, our university aims to embrace a new
paradigm of education and research in response to the digital and artificial
intelligence era, aligning with the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We are committed to creating a happy
community based on autonomy and communication. We will foster a campus culture where
students find joy and provide administrative services grounded on mutual
respect and connection. "Great challenge for our future!" We will establish a future-oriented
education and research network. We will break down academic barriers and
develop a new environment for cultivating creative and converged talent. With
the Gap-Zero Self Employment Program, we will actively support our students to
achieve their dreams and successfully adapt to a future society. To improve our
global research capabilities, we will reinforce cooperation with industries and
administrative support centered on researchers. We will establish a specialized innovation
campus network. To promote a distinctive identity for each campus and a
balanced growth overall, we will establish the One CBNU administrative system
connecting our four campuses in Gaesin, Osong, Ochang, and Sejong. An
integrated education system will help cultivate well-rounded leaders. As a Flagship National University, we have
striven to develop with the local community. We will establish a
community-related platform that allows the integration of industry, university,
government, and research, catalyzing regional development. We will act as a hub
for regional innovation with other universities, local governments, businesses,
and research institutions. By embracing the core values of Autonomy,
Respect, Communication, Transformation, and Future, we begin our courageous
journey to a sustainable future. We will create a new CBNU where students
realize their dreams, and faculty and staff members take pride. Together
with the community, we will grow towards the future.
I invite you to witness CBNU’s challenges for innovation. I hope you will join us in our “great challenge for our future.” |