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대학(원)소개 (Korean University)

유학자료 디테일
경일대학교 Kyungil University
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2023-06-09 조회 : 247,223

▶ 좌측 로고 클릭 시, 대학 홈페이지로 연결됩니다.

경일대학교를 찾아주신 모든 분께 감사드립니다.

우리대학은 학생이 즐겁게 공부하는 대학을 만들라는 설립자의 유지를 받들어 1963년 건학하여 60여 년의 역사를 이어오고 있습니다. 건학 초기에는 공업입국의 기치 아래 국가경제개발계획에 기여할 기술인재 양성을 교육목표로 대한민국 경제발전 주역들을 배출하였습니다.

지금은 교육환경의 변화를 선도하며 진의·창의·열의의 교육이념 아래 스마트 신(··)인재 양성이라는 교육목적을 달성하기 위해 모든 교직원들이 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

지역사회와 함께하는 신인재 키움 대학을 비전으로 삼고 스마트교육혁신, 스마트연구혁신, 스마트산학혁신, 학생행복캠퍼스, 대학경영효율화를 증진시키는 발전전략을 통하여 스마트 교육을 선도하는 국내 최고 강소대학으로 나아가고 있습니다.

우리대학의 캐치프레이즈는 나를 키우다, 세상을 키우다입니다. 미래세대 핵심 기술의 초연결을 통해 5G·6G시대를 이끌 나를 키우고 세상을 키우겠다는 의지입니다.

우리대학은 학생들을 5G·6G시대 선도인력으로 양성하기 위해 많은 투자와 노력을 아끼지 않고 있습니다. 캠퍼스 기반시설을 비롯한 교육인프라는 전국 어느 대학과 견줘도 뒤지지 않을 수준이며, 우수한 교수님을 초빙하고 학생들에게 가장 적합한 교수·학습법을 적용하는 노력을 기울이고 있습니다.

나를 키우고 세상을 키우는 지혜의 요람, 경일대학교를 방문하신 것을 환영합니다.

Thank you all for visiting Kyungil University that ushers in the era of Students 365-day Happiness

Kyungil University, where students always enjoy themselves, places top priority on "students happiness" while planning the academic curriculum according to the will of founders and establishing the educational administration system.

In addition, we have created a virtuous circle model in which universities and corporations develop together by ensuring that they have an outstanding industry-university collaboration system that allows them not only to choose the companies they want but also to secure excellent talents.

Kyungil University has achieved remarkable results in that, as a result of its consistent endeavor, it has topped the Ministry of Education’s employment statistics survey (based on more than 1,000 graduates) which had been conducted for all national and private universities in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province. In terms of industry view, Kyungil University was honored to be ranked as the best university in four areas which include software, machine, automobile, and architecture in the areas of Daegu, Gyeongbuk Province, and Gangwon Province.

In the evaluation of employment and entrepreneurial capabilities of 269 universities nationwide, conducted by The Korea Economic Daily, Kyungil University was ranked 11th in the overall rankings after Seoul National University. In Daegu, Gyeongbuk, Busan, Gyeongnam, Gangwon, and Ulsan areas, it ranked second after POSTECH. In addition, its project for the industry-university cooperation (LINC+) was selected, and then it was rated as the best university in the nation in the evaluation of the leading entrepreneurial universities, with its start-up project selected for 8 consecutive years. It has also been chosen as a university for the lifelong education system support project and has been evaluated as an excellent university for employment and start-up, that is, job creation, while carrying out various national projects.

In recent years, KIU has established the KIU Unmanned Aerial Education Center and the KIU Railroad Academy, in addition to the KIU Autonomous Vehicle Convergence Technology Research Institute which has developed fully autonomous driving technology for the second time in Korea, thereby jumping up to become a university that nurtures top elites who will lead the fourth industrial revolution.

Kyungil University now ushers in the Students’ 365-day Happiness era. Students’ 365-day Happiness is a firm commitment of both me and the school staff to make students happy all the time, 365 days a year. Kyungil University will continue to present a new paradigm of university education in Korea, based on Students’ 365-day Happiness.

You are more than welcome to visit the website of Kyungil University, where ‘students are always happy for 365 days’.

Thank you.