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대학(원)소개 (Korean University)

유학자료 디테일
영남이공대학교 Yeungnam University College
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2023-11-27 조회 : 213,528

  ▶ 좌측 로고 클릭 시, 대학 홈페이지로 연결됩니다.

우리대학은 창학 50여년 동안 구축한 전국의 전문대학을 대표하는 교육역량을 바탕으로 세계적 수준의 직업교육을 수행하여 분야별 산업현장에서 가장 경쟁력을 갖춘 인재를 양성하겠습니다. 우리 대학은 전국 최고의 직업교육을 실현할 수 있는 교육시설과 1,200명 수용의 쾌적한 기숙사를 준비하였으며, 재학생에게 행복한 대학생활을 제공하는 것을 대학운영의 가장 중요한 가치로 설정하고 학생만족도 전문대학부문 전국 1위를 이어 가겠습니다.

Since its establishment in 1968, Yeungnam University College (YNC) has always embraced challenges and changes as opportunities, introducing the launch of an era of a new vocational education with the effort to be a step ahead of others. By adopting a residential college model originated in Great Britain, as the first vocational college/trade school in Korea, YNC has converted its system to a collegiate model that is suited for the educational system in Korea and created its own system of Residential College (RC). Moreover, in collaboration with RC, YNC established an International College (IC) to provide a unique environment that serves as a global base for future industrial leaders of the world. The main goal of YNC is to create a workforce that can thoroughly understand the fieldof study and can later differentiate themselves from other competitors. As a vocational college, our mission is to create an educational fieldto meet the needs of the constant changes of the industrial demand. However, we are also trying to focus on the basic fundamental humanities that would build the foundation of a successful workforce. To provide the most appropriate environment for the students, we have designed a system that affords a wide range of scholarships to support 90% of the YNC students - 22.1 billion KRW a year and 3.84 million KRW a student. It is because YNC strongly believes that the future and value of our school depends on the dreams of individual students. This belief and our effort will create the pathway to lead our school to become the leading vocational college, which would foster the dreams of all of our YNC students. Thank you.